Grant Watch - June 6, 2011 - RFP-Alcohol Use/Abuse Prevention Services

To obtain the services of qualified Georgia-based organizations to implement statewide primary prevention strategies/programs/practices/policies that are consistent with needs as identified by epidemiological and assessment data with the following goals: 1) reduce the early onset of alcohol use among youth; 2) reduce youth (less than 21 years) access to alcohol, and 3) reduce excessive alcohol use and related consequences among youth and adults. The target population for this initiative is Georgia residents between the ages of 9 and 25 years (the population to be served through this initiative, cannot be receiving treatment for substance abuse problems). In order to view the full solicitation you must be registered in Team Georgia Marketplace. For assistance with registration and/or technical issues, please contact the help desk at 404-657-6000 or via email at .

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Event Details

Event Id:  44100-DBH0000190 Round 1 Version 1
Event Starts:
  05/23/2011 11:48AM EDT
Event Ends:
  07/01/2011 5:00PM EDT
An email newsletter of the
Georgia Association of Homes
and Services for Children
as a public service.
Normer Adams, Editor


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